Anthony Choo (AL)

Founding Partner (Regional)
Anthony (affectionately known as AL by his close friends) has been in the design industry for nearly twenty years. With design being his passion and his appetite for challenges, he has previously held key appointments with companies across the Asian region, managing projects of hospitality, retail and property development nature. It is also hence his design passion which eventually propelled him to set up DA&P in 2016.
He strongly believe in forming strong partnership with his client and within his team members. His passionate approach towards matters is infectious towards others. He believes ultimately in good communication among all in order to achieve chemistry, understanding and subsequently the yield results.
安东尼老师在设计行业已累积了将近二十年的生涯。 出于对设计的热情和对挑战的渴望,安老师此前曾在亚洲区域的担任其公司的总监,执行酒店,商业空间和房地产开发性质的项目;也管理公司的业务规划等。在安老师对设计的热忱下,最终促使他在2016年成立了DA&Partners。